Who are we?

New Pathways Foundation

Founded by First Nations for the benefit of their youth in 2010, the New Pathways Foundation works for the future and the well-being of First Nations youth in Quebec. Its mission is to help young people develop their full potential and confidence in a better future through a strong identity.

Whether on or off the community, the New Pathways Foundation creates positive hands-on experiences that reflect First Nations youth.

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Our History

The New Pathways Foundation was established in 2010 by the FNQLHSSC with the support of three founding members: Andrew Delisle, Aurélien Gill, and John Martin.

This entity serving First Nations stems from a regional strategy driven by First Nations Chiefs to fight against poverty and social exclusion.

The Foundation is self-governing and managed by a board of directors, all representatives of First Nations communities and organizations.

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Our Vision

Seeing that First Nations in Quebec are self-reliant, self-determined, and live in a state of sustained well-being thanks to the development of young people who are proud of their identities and capacities. A confident youth for a better future.

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Our Mission

A clear mission: to engage and support First Nations youth in Quebec in their well-being, individual and collective development, and fulfillment. This is an ambitious mission. We know that the task at hand is huge. We also know that there are glaring problems that need to be addressed in the short term, meaning right away. The Foundation will act on priorities, even emergencies.

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Our Approach

The Foundation raises funds to create initiatives that will allow First Nations youth to enjoy positive experiences. It can even contribute to the development of new services and structuring projects, as needed.

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Our Guiding Principles

Strengthen the cultural identity, pride, and sense of belonging of First Nations youth. Increase their confidence and their development. Provide experiences that allow them to explore new horizons.

The team

The founders

The founders behind the New Pathways Foundation.

English version to come.

"One of our biggest problems is our dependence on health and employment. To overcome these challenges, we need to develop a strong identity and self-esteem in our youth based on their culture and roots. To succeed despite all the challenges they face, our youth must believe in themselves, understand who they are and what that means. Our priorities have been set with this goal of building strong individuals."

"We would like our children to carry on our culture and traditions. That's what they want too. We know it and we can see it. But how do you want them to develop this wealth if their daily reality is poverty? We must focus on the real problems: poverty and exclusion. The need is urgent and the time to act is now."

"I have spent my life defending the rights of First Nations. I have had many victories. I am proud of them. But as long as our children grow up in poverty, my victories will be half victories. There is still a lot to do. We have to roll up our sleeves and keep working."